Find Nearest Cheap Hotels Under $60

How can I get cheap hotels under $60?
Are you looking for cheap hotels, motels or alternative accommodations near you under $60 or even less? You are in the perfect place! We make it incredibly easy to find and book a great hotel deal at an affordable hotel price. Hotels give us discounts on their unsold rooms. You get the best rates and deals, whether last minute or in advance.
Find many hotels under $60 at popular cities worldwide. All you have to do is - a hotel search, few clicks and you’re booked !
Search for Hotels under $60/night?

▪ Start your - CHEAP HOTELS - search by entering your destination city in the "Where to?" and then select your dates.
▪ Cheap Hotels Near Me - The mobile search option is available to find hotels close to your current location in the search bar.
▪ Within the search results, you can navigate by hotel list option as well as by interactive map view.
▪ Click on the tab - Low Price and the cheapest rates hotels will prepopulate on top of the results
Narrow your hotel search

After searching for a hotel, along the top:
▪ Confirm your hotel search results dates are correct or adjust them if necessary.
▪ Use the filters to narrow your search. You can filter by price, occupancy, accommodation type, user rating, hotel class, and amenities.
▪ For deeper discounts look for secret hotel deals if available. (Preffered Banner)
▪ Preffered Hotel Rates are available to individuals who can unlock them by email registration.
▪ Use the map to see the location and other hotels in the area.
Hotel Booking
▪ Select a hotel.
▪ Tap or click Choose.
▪ Verify your hotel room and other info. Then choose a booking option.
▪ Complete the transaction on check out page.
Disclosure* - Hotel Rooms and prices for less than $60 are subject to availability at the location of your stay, at the time of booking and on the dates of your stay. Discounts are only available at participating hotels and may require a minimum night stay.
Searching for the closest last minute hotels near you under $100, $60 or even less than $50? We'll help you get deep discounts on budget hotel rooms ! We provide a great selection of nearby hotels. Whether you need a hotel in Las Vegas, Singapore, New York City or hundreds of other cities, we help you find the best deals near where you need to stay.
Travelers can get last-minute hotel savings with incredible deals on top-rated hotels on their unsold hotel rooms, often with lower rates than hotel meta-search engines like: Google Hotels, TripAdvisor, HotelsCombined, Kayak Hotels, Skyscanner, Trivago, Momondo and similar platforms.